Dr. Jana Plananska is an expert in sustainability of critical raw material value chains, battery technology and electric & smart mobility. Jana obtained PhD at the University of St.Gallen in Switzerland, analysing consumer adoption of electric vehicles. Prior to that, she concluded Master’s Degree in International Development and Political Science at Sciences Po Paris and the University of St.Gallen. Jana has extensive experience in diplomacy, project management and with analytical work for clean transport and energy transitions. She has gained this experience through her engagement at institutions such as the University of Oxford, UNESCO, EU, and the World Bank, among others. Jana advises Norge Mining Limited on the role of company’s Critical Raw Materials within green and digital transition, battery technology and food security, and the geopolitics and sustainability of Critical Raw Material value chains, focusing on developments and relationships with EU and other government actors.

Articles by Dr.

Energy Storage

Opinion piece | 31 July 2023

Europe’s urgent need for primary vanadium extraction

vanadiumVRFBenergy storage

Dr. Jana Plananska is an expert and independent consultant in electric mobility and battery technology, with a PhD from the...

Printed Circuit Board Futuristic Server. 3d Rendering

Opinion piece | 10 July 2023

“Urgent need for developing phosphorus processing capacity in Europe…”


In this article, I’ll uncover some points that are a critical part of the battery mineral demand conversation, but that...